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Terms & Conditions – Muslim Youth Initiative
  1. Booking Fees include participation in the planned lectures/activities, and where applicable, accommodation, meals, and notes for the duration of the event.
  2. The specific arrival date and time will be given on our website, along with an information pack that will be sent to parents 7 days prior to the event.
  3. Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable for any of the events. If your child is unable to attend, you may send someone on their behalf to take their place providing we are informed at least 7 days prior to the event (to ensure that our records are updated with the details of the attending person).
  4. MYI will act in loco (in the place of a parent) from the published start time of an event until its published end time. We are NOT in loco parentis before or after the published times.
  5. MYI cannot be responsible for any loss of valuables and MYI reserves the right to exclude any child whose behavior is considered to be overly disruptive.
  6. MYI has the right to decline, over medical concerns or insufficient capacity, to cater for the specific needs of a child.
  7. If a child leaves the MYI premises without permission, MYI cannot be held responsible for the child’s safety.
  8. MYI will be filming and taking photos of the event and the children are likely to be photographed or filmed. These images may be used for future marketing purposes for MYI or MYI-partner events. If you do not want your child your child to be filmed or photographed, you will need to notify us beforehand, but this may mean that your child is excluded from certain activities.
  9. MYI will apply its child protection and safeguarding policies on all participants.