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Learning Curriculum – Muslim Youth Initiative


Challenge YOUR minds and bodies in self-development workshops and engaging activities. Each retreat will have a specific theme. For example, the theme of our first retreat is the study of Surah al Fatiha. The meaning of each Ayah is taught and, at the end of the program, many of the youth are able to interpret the Surah in English.

Students are given module booklets with detailed overviews on the chosen themes. We aim to cater the learning to each student, and we appreciate the many styles of learning that exist. Many of our team have teaching backgrounds. Lessons are pre-planned and checked by the Tarbiyyah team to ensure their appropriateness and accuracy.

The topics studied are all from the foundational aspects of Islam, including respecting Allah, the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the religion as a whole. PowerPoint presentations and other modern teaching techniques are used dynamically, and students are encouraged to take notes. At the end of the topics, there are assessments to check progress and address shortcomings.