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Introduction – Muslim Youth Initiative


At the MYI our aim is simple – to help the individual achieve their full physical, intellectual, social, and economic potentials. Young people develop fastest when they ‘learn by doing’; when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks, and think for themselves. All of these things can be achieved during our MYI weekend.

Our dedicated teams are on hand to guide and advise you at each stage of your adolescent life. We are hoping to deliver a structured and balanced programme, designing a bespoke experience and taking into account the specific objectives and needs of each student.

Challenge YOUR minds and bodies in self-development workshops and engaging activities, such as climbing/ archery/crate-stacking, etc. Eat, drink, and socialise with friends in a safe environment, but don’t forget to remember our creator at every step of the way. We even have nasheeds around the campfire! This will be a retreat to remember, Insha’Allah!